Saturday, November 3, 2007

My New Favorite Invention, The Hobie Wave

I should have taken a picture of this thing with the sail up, but this is the boat I have been sailing. Sailing it is more awesome than I could have ever imagined, and also very easy.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today Tracy and I woke up at 6:30am so I could drive her to the Westin where she would be working her second days at Cruz Bay Watersports. I dropped her off at 7:15pm and headed over to the Marketplace so I could sit outside and use the wireless internet (wifi) from Surf Da Web. Ever since I started using their wifi, I actually started getting notable amounts of work done. Kudos to me!

I sat there today and accomplished quite a bit. I went to Starfish Market downstairs for lunch. They have a deli section where you can purchase hot food at rather inexpensive prices. So I bought some breaded buffalo chicken for about $4 and a quart of skim milk for $3 and chowed that deliciousness. I worked from about 7:30am to 2:30pm and then I decided that the highly non-ergonomic table I've been sitting at was done having me as a guest.

This is when i decided I would go take a sailing lesson. So I drove up to Cinnamon Bay where I had met that guy Richard Metcalfe. He gave lessons for all sorts of water-things, but I was interested in learning to sail a Hobie Cat. I walked up to the booth and asked if it was a good day to take a lesson. I was concerned because that tropical storm had passed us over a couple of days ago, but we are still covered by the outer swirls of the storm. There was wind but it was a little overcast. Rich said it was a fine day to sail, and with that, I went to the bathroom to change into my swim trunks.

Now I'll have to admit, I was a little nervous. The last time I went on a sailboat I got a little nauseous. I just kept repeating to myself what my friend Dan had told me, "Dude, you've been in a small Cessna on one of the windiest days ever." True that. Why is my body so scared of water these days? Anyway.. I am determined to get over it and learn to sail.

Rich and I dragged the Hobie out to the water as he began to explain the basics of sailing. In now time we were out in the water, letting the wind fill the sails. He explain the basics of how to pull on the ropes and control the sails. He also explained how to make turns with the rudder, and how to switch sides of the boat when turning. We went out about a quarter mile into Cinnamon Bay. While we were out there, a small squall passed overhead. That was quite refreshing. There's nothing like being rained on while you're in the water. I feel like it really bonds you with the sea.

Rich explained how to read the wind off the water and how to sail back to shore against the wind. When we got back to shore he jumped off and then told me to go sail the thing myself for a while. There wasn't much wind when I went back out by myself. I was able to sail away from shore pretty easily, but getting back took me a while because the wind kept shifting directions. But eventually I got back and as we were pulling the boat back ashore, I kicked a rock and put a hole in my right big toe. Oh well, boat bites, as Phoebe calls them.

Feeling successful for the day on a number of counts, I went down to the Beach Bar to treat myself to a delicious Bushwacker. After that I went to hang around at the Westin so I could be there when Tracy got out of work. I bought a shirt from Tracy with her uber-discount (Thanks Tracy!) then I went to the lobby to wait for her. To my dismay, the free wireless internet access was gone! Gasp! Now I need a name and a room number. What a pack of rat bastards. I tried to work for a bit locally an catch up on my journal, but all of a sudden it was Bug:30 (about 4:30) and they were all over my legs. Apparently the bugs hadn't gotten the memo that I am a local. You see, apparently, after you're here for a while, you don't get bitten by mosquitos. What kind insects! After all, we are supposed to get the local discounts!

After Tracy got out of work, we went back to the house. She sat down to unwind after a long day on her feet with barely any nicotine, had herself a sandwich, and watched some TiVo. I went upstairs to share a beer with Phoebe and listened to her boast about her Halloween costume that she would wear tonight

At the end of the night, Tracy felt too sick to go out for Halloween, so we stayed in and went to bed early.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Rainy Saturday Around The House

It's been raining here for a couple days now, and I must tell, it's quite boring here in the rain. It's difficult to drive downtown because of the steep hills with the rain running down them. Unfortunately, I didn't get full coverage on my car, so I'm scared to crash it myself. That would be the end of a good investment. Therefore, we stay home and try to entertain ourselves here.

I got a little work done today on my new desk but it's still quite annoying. I playe dguitar a little while Tracy played on Facebook, pretending to be a pirate. We mostly stayed in all day. We made one trip to Pine Peace market to buy cookies and beer and then we came home and hung out with Thomas upstairs where we baked our cookies and watched Smokin' Aces until Phoebe came home. We chilled with her for a bit and then we went to bed. Nothing special today except for my delicious cookies.

I was also happy to find out that my friend Dan booked his tickets to come visit us in November. How exciting! I hope it's not as rainy when he visits; though I hear the rainy season is just about finished.